{{:forces:girl-motion-790x50.jpg|Forces & Motion Banner}} ====== Q99 - EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: ====== ======= The Downfall Of The Slinky: ====== When you watch a slinky fall in slow motion, it may not drop in the way you would expect: {{ youtube>uiyMuHuCFo4?640x360 |How Slinkys Fall}} === Video: How A Slinky Falls === * IF UNABLE TO ACCESS YOUTUBE VIDEO (requires Flash) TRY:[[http://viewpure.com/uiyMuHuCFo4?640x360|How Slinkys Fall]] Can you think of any unusual ways to use a slinky or any experiments that you could do with a slinky? ====== The Mysterious Case of Benjamin Bicycle: ====== {{ youtube>aJhiY70KY5o?640x360 |The push - pull bicycle puzzle}} **Video. The pull that pushes - A backward bicycle puzzle** * IF UNABLE TO ACCESS YOUTUBE VIDEO (requires Flash) TRY:[[http://viewpure.com/aJhiY70KY5o|The push - pull bicycle puzzle]] What was special about 'Benjamin Button', and why was he like our bicycle? What other objects do you think might work in the same way. Write your ideas into the Comments section (below): ---- **[[:learn:forces:discover:q99:home|CLICK HERE & SEE MORE DISCOVERY ACTIVITIES ABOUT THIS QUESTION]]**