====== SAILING ====== === Student Outcomes: === Students developing new and deeper knowledge through the use of the STEAM framework as they design and build a wind powered vehicle. STEAM activities provide sound foundational knowledge of through hands-on use of materials, basic structural **engineering** (design and build) and **art** (multimedia recording and publishing). Students use **science** and **technology** to investigate, evaluate and optimise their choices. The STEAM framework relies on correct understanding and application of underlying principles that can be generalised, rather than on the memorisation of answers to specific questions. Students are asked to work in teams, but the design and methodology choices are made completely at their own discretion. Throughout the project, each group should record their progress in a journal, including the use of photographs, video, audio recordings Students are free to use their varying skill sets, interests, and backgrounds to get the most out of the class. IF ALL ELSE FAILS: "I will admit that engineering is my weak area of STEM, but if I expect my students to be uncomfortable while learning, then so must I!" [[http://www.stemmom.org/2012/10/building-wind-turbines-engineering-lab.html|Darci J Harland]] === Example Optional Activities: === Optional: Students visit a lab to use electron microscopes (or a classroom microscope or other test instruments) to analyse materials used in sailing. Guest sailing 'expert' provides students with 'first hand' information about high profile racing yachts - What inspires people to become yachtsmen/women and how does knowledge of STEAM help improve yacht performance. === Quick Start Guide === Students will be guided through this project by starting at the [[:brainbox:young-engineers:sailing:home|the student STEAM project page]]. The remainder of this page contains extended information designed for teacher reference only. **Go straight to [[:steam:brainbox:young-engineers:sailing:home|THE STUDENT S.T.E.A.M PROJECT PAGE]]**